Building Secure and Caring Relationships
Our toddler program encourages socialization and independence while offering many opportunities for children to explore and interact in a safe, nurturing environment. Our teachers understand early relationships have a profound and lasting impact on a developing child. A young child's achievements in learning, language, social development and self-regulation are nurtured through these interactions.
Toddlers develop the confidence to explore and take risks knowing that their teacher is there for them. They enjoy a safe and challenging play environment that promotes relationships and fosters physical growth and development, curiosity, and exploration. Toddlers learn through these interactions which enhance their cognitive, language, motor and social skills.
By The Numbers
Ages: 1 - 2.5 years old
Full-time and part-time available
Typical Toddler 1 Teacher to Student Ratio: 1:3
Typical Toddler 2 Teacher to Student Ratio: 1:5
Hours: 7:30am-5:30pm | Every week of the year
Upon Arival
Free-choice time for individualized activities including manipulatives, large motor activities, socialization, music and book browsing.
Learning Centers
Language/literacy, puzzles, sorting activities, blocks, dramatic play, sensory and art activities, based on developmental principles and adjusted to each child's interests and needs.
Circle Time
Enjoying books, stories, puppets and singing.
Music and Movment
Playing instruments, dancing, marching, stretching.
Outdoor play
Engaging in running, jumping, ball playing, climbing, sliding, tricycle riding, sand and water play, pushing strollers and other push toys, to improve and develop large motor and other skills.
Meal Times
Enjoying nutritious and tasty meals while developing life-long healthy eating habits.
Rest Time
Napping and quiet activities, puzzles and books.
Personal Care
Beginning to learn to take care of personal needs such as hand washing, toileting or diapering, and other forms of hygiene.
Helping children communicate their needs and desires appropriately. Redirecting children into constructive play, helping them to regulate and manage emotions to succeed and build self-esteem. Creating an optimal environment for learning to interact positively with others.